The Veil
Key Verses: Matthew 27:45-52, Hebrews 2:5-15, 10:19-21
The Veil in the Tabernacle hang in the Holy of Holies; the most sacred area. It was very ornate and heavy. The purpose of this veil was to separate the High Priest from the presence of God. It was believed that the Veil was covering the door to Heaven, the realm of God. This Veil is echoed in the Temple of Jesus' day. The Temple was the center of Jewish worship and devotion. The expectations of what was behind this veil were so huge that the Priest wore bells around their waist and tied ropes to themselves before entering just in case he was struck dead in the Presence of God.
Hebrews 10:1 says,
“The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship.”
The Bible mentions that when Jesus died, “the veil of the Temple was torn in two”. What is the significance of that? Let's explore three curtains we are more familiar with.
Curtain Number 1. Just like the Veil of the Temple, this curtain is one of tradition and expectation. The hopes and dreams of Israel dwelled behind this curtain. When this curtain tore, it was revealed that the places we often expect to see God (the places we often try to trap God with religion) are simply a shadow of something greater. The sun is higher than the shadow.
Curtain Number 2. Curtain 2 is the weave of your own fears and disappointments that inform your worldview. This curtain can often be harder to tear because it is informed by your experiences. Experience is very important but it can often be hard to dispute. How you tell yourself your story is what knits this curtain together.
But, Hebrews talks about Curtain number 3!
Curtain Number 3. Verse 19-20 says,
“Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body,”
Jesus was what was casting the shadow on the veil in the Temple. Jesus was the good thing that was coming. The Bleeding of Jesus created access to God like never before. Nothing the curtain of Tradition could offer. Nothing the curtain of your Worldview could offer. Jesus offered a tangible and personal experience with God through his body! Jesus allowed his body to bleed; access to be created to the Divine Love that flowed within him. The Invisible God had now been revealed and it turns out he wasn’t a tyrant in a Temple, he was their neighbor on a cross.
The Blessing of God’s overwhelming presence looked like bleeding on a cross. Sometimes the places where we meet God aren’t going to look like what we expected. But faith and perseverance will lead you to being able to focus one the goodness of God. It’s just a shadow! It’s just the dark part. But have faith because it takes something pretty big to cast a shadow like that.